Adult Programs

Book Club for Adults

Book Club for Adults

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING, PLEASE SIGN UP ON THE WAIT LIST; YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED IF THERE IS AN OPENING. Our Adult Book Club meets the third Monday of each month. Books are chosen from a variety of genres. Participants read the book in advance and come prepared for a discussion. Facilitated by MPL staff member Andrea. Registration required.

Technology Training 1-on-1 Wednesdays

Technology Training 1-on-1 Wednesdays

On Wednesday afternoons the library offers 1-on-1 technology training with Danny Bassette! Bring your laptop, tablet, or phone if you have one. Choose a 1-hour time slot at 3pm-4pm, 4pm-5pm, or 5pm-6pm. Reserve your spot today! [button...

Knit Nook

Knit Nook

Adults, join us at the Mendon Library Conference table on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 10:00am – 11:30am to work on your knitting projects. To reserve your spot, . . .

Medicare Information Sessions with Excellus

Medicare Information Sessions with Excellus

Adults interested in learning more about Medicare are encouraged to meet with a representative from Excellus BlueCross BlueShield for this free program. Excellus will be in the library to take questions during this entire period. Registration is requested for a 1-hour consultation.

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