Miss Lori loves to share stories, songs, and activities with preschool kids and their families! Join us every other Saturday, at 10:00 AM, in the Mendon Public Library Jacobs Family Reading Room, for a half hour of fun. Registration is not required; just stop in! The following Saturday Story Times are currently scheduled: February 8, February 22, March 8, March 22, April 12, April 26, and May 10.
Mon-Thu 9-8; Fri 9-5; Sat 9-3
Recent News
Visiting Artist Paul Bergwall
Paul Bergwall is exhibiting photos from his fine photography series: Ain’t talkin’, just walkin’ at the Mendon Public Library through the end of March. Since early 2020, in response to the pandemic, Paul Bergwall has been taking pictures on his walks and posting one picture a day on Facebook and Instagram. Initially it was called “Staying close to home, (the coronavirus days)”. “Ain’t talkin’, just walkin’” is the same project without the burden of a plague. As Paul says “It is a celebration. Walking around, looking to see, and finding the gifts God has laid out for me.”
Paul can be reached by: Email pbergwall@hotmail.com , Text 585.200.1582 , Instagram @paulbergwall or Facebook @paul.bergwall . Those wishing to view more of Paul’s work are encouraged to stop by the Mill Art Center in Honeoye Falls where Paul’s work is included in an invitational photo show from February 15 – April 2 called “Spotlight on Photography.”
Friday Movie Matinees for Adults
Adults, join us at the library on Fridays at 1:30 for a free movie. Complimentary snacks provided by The Friends of Mendon Public Library. No registration necessary. Feb. 7: Reagan (PG-13, 136 mins); Feb. 14: Little Women (PG, 135 mins); Feb. 21: White Bird (PG-13, 120 mins); Feb. 28: Hidden Figures (PG, 127 mins); Mar. 7: The Hours (PG-13, 114 mins); Mar. 14: Here (PG-13, 104 mins); Mar. 21: Wicked (PG, 160 minutes); Mar. 28: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (PG, 107 mins).
Grab and Go Crafts: While Supplies Last
The Mendon Public Library will continue to offer Take & Make Craft Kits while supplies last. Our crafts are made possible through the generous support of The Friends of Mendon Public Library. Have fun and get creative!
Coffee Hour – Monday Mornings This Winter!
The coffee pot is on, Mondays, during the colder winter months, from 9:30 to 11 AM. Come to the Mendon Public Library to warm up, sip and chat, or spend some time browsing and reading. All are welcome! Simply drop in. (Bring your own mug, if you can.)
Meditation Monday
Adults and Teens: This class at the library, on Monday, February 10, from 6:30-7:30 PM, will be a guided meditation with mindfulness and breathing exercises. Wendy Stumpf is a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, RYT-200, and an early childhood educator. Registration required. Sponsored by The Friends of Mendon Public Library.
Tuesday Story Time
Join Miss Kelly each Tuesday morning at 10 AM for Story Time. Preschoolers and their caregivers will read a few stories, sing a few songs, and make new friends. Registration not necessary.
Teen Tuesday Volunteers
Middle and High Schoolers: Do you want to make a difference by helping your library and community? Would you like to earn community service credit? Join us on select Tuesdays to participate in various activities. We will meet at the Mendon Public Library, from 2:30 – 4 on Tuesday afternoons. Space is limited; registration is recommended.
Spam, Scams and Other Shams: A Workshop for Adults by Daniel Jones
Adults, join technology instructor Daniel Jones on Wednesday, February 12th, from 6 PM-7:30 PM at the Mendon Public Library as he provides an in-depth look at the world of online threats, from misleading shams to elaborate scams. You’ll learn about: types of online shams and scams, scammer tactics, how to recognize and prevent scams, 5 tips to help protect you from online scams, what to do if you have been a victim, and helpful resources. Registration Required. Generously sponsored by The Friends of Mendon Public Library.
Preschool Story Time in Two Languages with Miss Rosa
Preschoolers and their Caregivers are welcome to join with Miss Rosa on Fridays at 10 AM in the Mendon Public Library to enjoy stories and songs in English and Spanish. Miss Rosa will read from a variety of books and share her love of language, culture, and...
Music and Sing Along with Mike Baker
Toddlers through teens plus adult caregivers, join us on Saturday, February 15th, from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM for a fun musical experience at the library. Mike Baker will perform on guitar, harmonica and encourage singing along to traditional tunes and folk songs. Percussion instruments will also be shared. Sponsored by The Friends of Mendon Public Library. Registration requested.
Teen/Tween Art Workshop: Stacked Rock Watercolor
Tweens and Teens, join us at the Mendon Public Library on Saturday, February 15th, from 1 PM – 2 PM, for a fun art workshop. Work with artist and instructor, Michelle Garlock, to learn about entry level watercolor focusing on creating texture with salt. Open to 12 tween/teens. Register to save your spot. Generously sponsored by The Friends of The Mendon Public Library.
Join other LEGO builders once a month, from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM, in the Mendon Public Library Jacobs Family Reading Room. Each child will receive a box of LEGO bricks and a creative building prompt. Using their imagination, participants can build what is suggested, or...
RMSC DELIVERS: Live Science – Solids, Liquids, and Gasses
All grade levels will want to join us at the library on Tuesday, February 18th, from 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM for an exciting program that explores temperature’s effect on solids, liquids and gasses using liquid nitrogen. (This is one of the coolest programs! Really!) You will thrill at the use of liquid nitrogen (-196° C), and learn how temperature affects energy and changes matter from solid to liquid to gas. Watch the amazement turn to understanding as participants begin to explore and predict the outcome of experiments with objects exposed to extreme temperature. Register any K – 12th grader today; this is limited to 25 participants. Sponsored by The Friends of Mendon Public Library.
Mercy Watson Birthday Party and Story Time
Mercy Watson Fans! Join us in the Library on Tuesday, February 18th, from 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM for a character meet-and-greet complete with birthday party and story time. We’ll gather with Mercy Watson to share some songs, a story, a simple craft and of course, toast, butter and lemonade! Please sign up to reserve your seat. Target audience is preschoolers and early elementary school children and their caregivers. Sponsored by The Friends of Mendon Public Liobrary.
Kiwanis Hot Cocoa Bar
During winter break week you will have two chances to stop by the Mendon Public Library for a cup of cocoa and maybe a story or two. The Kiwanis Club will offer up their Hot Cocoa Bar on Tuesday, February 18th, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM and Friday, February 21st, 12:30 PM -...
Movie “The Wild Robot”
Kids and Teens – Join us over winter break, on Tuesday, February 18th at 1:00 PM, for a viewing of the movie The Wild Robot (PG, 2024, Universal Pictures, 101 minutes). Snacks provided by The Friends of Mendon Public Library. No registration necessary.
Kids! Fish Painting with Cornell Cooperative Extension
Join us on Wednesday, February 19th, from 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM, to learn about some of the local fish in New York State, while exploring the Japanese art of fish printing – gyotaku. Geared for grades K-6, youth will have a chance to complete a hands-on art project to take home. Please sign up your children only, although adults are encouraged to stay. Sponsored by The Friends of the Mendon Public Library.
Movie “Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice”
Kids and Teens – Join us over winter break, on Wednesday, February 19th at 2:15 PM, for a viewing of the movie Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice (PG-13, 2024, Warner Bros, 104 minutes). Snacks provided by The Friends of Mendon Public Library. No registration necessary.
Backyard Chicken Keeping with Sandra and Chooks
Kids, Teens, and Adults interested in learning more about keeping chickens are encouraged to join us Wednesday, February 19th, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Mendon Public Library, where Sandra and her chickens will present an informational program on Backyard Chicken Keeping. Please sign up to reserve your spot. Sponsored by The Friends of Mendon Public Library.