The Town of Mendon recently installed two electric vehicle charging stations in the parking lot of the Mendon Public Library, 22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls, NY. Drivers are welcome to charge their electric vehicles 24/7 and are encouraged to patronize local...
Mon-Thu 9-8; Fri 9-5; Sat 9-3
Library Services
Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
The New York State Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL) is a free lending library available to individuals living in New York State, who have difficulty reading standard print due to a visual impairment, a physical disability, or a reading disability. Questions...
Technologies That Are Available at The Mendon Library
The Mendon Public Library Technology Offerings include: Four Patron Computers with Internet/Printing capabilities; Laptop Computer available for in-library use; a page enlarging device for enhanced viewing; TV Conferencing System (Wi-Fi/TV/DVD options); Free...
Free Wi-Fi Available
The wi-fi provided by the Mendon Public Library is available all the time, whether the building is open or not. The signal reaches to much of the parking lot. (The wi-fi, as all library internet service, is filtered for CIPA compliance.)
Book Clubs
Mendon Public Library staff happily assists Book Clubs to reserve meeting space and/or books. For more information, simply contact the library at 624-6067.
Library Services
At the Mendon Public Library, we strive “to be an essential contributor to the quality of life in the Town of Mendon. Our library will provide life-long learning opportunities through exemplary collections, technological information resources, and opportunities to...
Take a Virtual Tour of the Mendon Public Library
Take a look at all we offer our community. Click the image to take a virtual tour. Hope to see you soon! (Video credit: G.D & N.C., October 2020)
Study Rooms Available For Use
The library offers two rooms for quiet group study or projects. Each room holds a maximum of four occupants. The rooms can be reserved in two hour increments. Patrons are allowed one reservation at a time. Please call the library at 624-6067 to reserve a room. View...
MPL Display Spaces Showcase Local Artists, Non-Profits
Local artists and non-profits can promote their work in one of Mendon Public Library's unique display spaces. Call the library at 624-6067 for more information. Our Display and Exhibits Policy can be found here.
Enjoy Classical Music, Jazz, Opera & Dance
All Monroe County Library System cardholders are able to enjoy access to Thanks to a purchase made by the Central Library, enjoy unlimited full remote access to the largest online catalog of classical music, jazz, opera and dance videos as well as...
New Children’s Book List Promotes Understanding and Inclusion
Our latest book list is entitled "Stories to Promote Kindness, Friendliness, Understanding, and More Acceptance of Others." It includes over 40 picture books, both fiction and non-fiction. This book list is geared primarily toward three to eight-year olds. Topics...
Accessibility Services
We strive to make services and programs available to patrons of all abilities, including those with disabilities. Please let us know of any special accommodations you may require a week in advance of a program so that we can accommodate you or your child. Also,...