Library Services

Free Wi-Fi Available

Free Wi-Fi Available

The wi-fi provided by the Mendon Public Library is available all the time, whether the building is open or not. The signal reaches to much of the parking lot. (The wi-fi, as all library internet service, is filtered for CIPA compliance.)

Library Services

At the Mendon Public Library, we strive “to be an essential contributor to the quality of life in the Town of Mendon. Our library will provide life-long learning opportunities through exemplary collections, technological information resources, and opportunities to...

Study Rooms Available For Use

Study Rooms Available For Use

The library offers two rooms for quiet group study or projects. Each room holds a maximum of four occupants. The rooms can be reserved in two hour increments. Patrons are allowed one reservation at a time. Please call the library at 624-6067 to reserve a room. View...

Accessibility Services

We strive to make services and programs available to patrons of all abilities, including those with disabilities. Please let us know of any special accommodations you may require a week in advance of a program so that we can accommodate you or your child.  Also,...

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