Join us on Thursday, April 24, from 11 AM – 12 PM, in the Mendon Public Library Jacobs Family Reading Room where we will share several bowls of organically produced “living tea” in quietude together and have time for reflection afterwards. Please come wearing comfortable clothing. There are limited seats so please register in advance. Program will only happen if at least five patrons register.

Tea ceremony is a beautiful way to come together to share space, presence and heartfelt intention. When we sit in ceremony, we practice slowing down and becoming quiet as we mindfully and intentionally enjoy tea. We take pause from the busyness and noise of the world, letting go of daily tensions and deepening our connection with ourselves, with one another, and with Nature. “Cha Dao”, the way of tea, is a practice that integrates tea as medicine and ritual. In Chinese medicine tea is known as a Shen tonic, an herb that affects the spiritual heart and nervous system. These herbs work to help us achieve balanced emotions, increased presence, deeper connections with others, and help us feel more comfortable in our bodies by improving sleep, decreasing the effects of stress, and restoring balance to our “Shen”.

Thursday, April 24

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