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Visiting Artist Paul Bergwall

Visiting Artist Paul Bergwall

Paul Bergwall is exhibiting photos from his fine photography series:  Ain’t talkin’, just walkin’ at the Mendon Public Library through the end of March. Since early 2020, in response to the pandemic, Paul Bergwall has been taking pictures on his walks and posting one picture a day on Facebook and Instagram. Initially it was called “Staying close to home, (the coronavirus days)”. “Ain’t talkin’, just walkin’” is the same project without the burden of a plague. As Paul says “It is a celebration. Walking around, looking to see, and finding the gifts God has laid out for me.” Paul can be reached by: Email , Text 585.200.1582 , Instagram @paulbergwall or Facebook @paul.bergwall . Those wishing to view more of Paul’s work are encouraged to stop by the Mill Art Center in Honeoye Falls where Paul’s work is included in an invitational photo show from February 15 – April 2 called “Spotlight on Photography.”

NEW in 2025 – Kanopy Movie Streaming Service

NEW in 2025 – Kanopy Movie Streaming Service

Using your Mendon Public Library card, you can now access Kanopy, a free movie streaming service with no ads and no subscriptions. Kanopy offers an expertly curated collection of films we think you will enjoy. We are pleased to bring this streaming service to our community. To use Kanopy, you will need to enter your library card information and create a Kanopy account. We recommend doing this in a web browser, but you can also set up your account in the Kanopy app for iOS or Android. To get started with Kanopy visit:

Gale Presents: Udemy for Online Learning

Gale Presents: Udemy for Online Learning

Monroe County Library System card holders now have free access to “Gale Presents: Udemy”, an online learning platform that connects patrons to video-based courses taught by leading experts in business, technology, and more. Udemy users can explore thousands of continuously updated, on-demand video courses that match their professional goals and personal interests. Follow the enclosed link and use your email address to create your Udemy account.

Ongoing Programs

Ongoing Programs

>>>Mondays: COFFEE HOUR >>>3rd Monday: BOOK CLUB FOR ADULTS (Registration required) >>>Tuesdays: STORY TIME >>>Tuesdays: TEEN VOLUNTEERS >>>2nd & 4th Tuesdays: PAWS TO RELAX (Therapy dog visits) >>>Wednesdays: TECHNOLOGY TRAINING (Registration required) >>>2nd & 4th Thursdays: KNIT NOOK >>>2 SATURDAYS A MONTH: STORY TIME >>>MEDICARE INFORMATION SESSIONS WITH EXCELLUS (Schedule varies)

Next Board of Trustees Meeting

Next Board of Trustees Meeting

The next regular meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees will be held at 7 PM on Monday, April 7th, at the library. Agenda and documents for the next regular board meeting will be available here 24 hours prior to the meeting.  Agenda for March 3, 2025...

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